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10 Major Sutras in Buddhism 十大经典佛经

Buddha and Zhu, Julie and Zhu & Song Press

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Jin Gang Jing Diamond Sutra 金刚经

Buddha and Kumārajīva

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5 Major Sutras of Pure Land Buddhism 净土五经

Buddha and Zhu, Julie and Zhu & Song Press

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7 Major Sutras of Zen Buddhism 禅宗七经

Buddha and Zhu, Julie and Zhu & Song Press

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Miao Fa Lian Hua Jing 妙法莲华经: Lotus Sutra: Fo Jing ….


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The City of Robots 机器之城

Zhu, Julie

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Hong Lou Meng 红楼梦

Cao, Xueqin

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Journey to the West 西游记

Wu, Chengen

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Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三国演义

罗, 贯中 and Zhu, Julie

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Water Margin水浒传

Shi, Nai’an

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Six Records of a Floating Life Fu Sheng Liu Ji 浮生六 ….

沈, 复 and Shen, Fu

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Remarks on Song Lyrics人间词话

Wang, Guowei and 王, 国维

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Unofficial History of the Scholars儒林外史

吴, 敬梓 and Zhu, Julie

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Huangdi Neijing黄帝内经


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Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons了凡四训

袁, 了凡 and Zhu, Julie

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Simple First Love Killer 简单情杀

Zhu, Julie

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The Half Summer Planet 半夏星球

Zhu, Julie

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Virtual World 虚拟世界: Torrent瀑流

Zhu, Julie

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Virtual World 虛擬世界 繁體中文版

Zhu, Julie

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Shan Hai Jing Interpretation 山海经濮语解读

Zhang, Mingyou and Zhu, Julie

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A collection of Dongfang Dao’s Poems 采梦集

Dongfang, Dao

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今夜无梦 No Dreams Tonight

Qi, Kuangzhi

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剑与士 Sword and Knight-errant

Qi, Kuangzhi

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天京之围 Surrounding of the Top City

Qi, Kuangzhi

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出海口 Estuary

Qi, Kuangzhi

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天下为公 The World Is for All

Qi, Kuangzhi

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玉戒之文 The Character of the Jade Ring

Qi, Kuangzhi

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大道同天 Great Roads Under Heaven

Qi, Kuangzhi

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简单程序 Simple Program

Qi, Kuangzhi

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传为美谈 Spread as a Beautiful Tale

Qi, Kuangzhi

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Sea Breeze Through Bamboo 海角竹风

Zhao, Henry

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Ecological Environment Design Under the Circular E ….

Peng, Jing and Liu, Xiuzhen and Yu, Zhijing

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Poetry Collection from Qing Yun Xuan 清韻軒吟稿

Huang, Sharyn

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Beautiful Trips to Chinese Cities 美妙中国城市游

Han, Liansheng

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Watch out for Love为爱留意

Wu, Qiuyue

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Design Principles and Structure of Overseas Chines ….

Wang, Peng

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Deciphering the Ancient and Modern Extraordinary C ….

Yao, Shuhai

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Han, Liansheng

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Ke Li’s Collection of Poems 李克诗集 诗词伴我人生路

Li, Ke

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The Four Classic Novels四大名著红楼梦西游记三国演义水浒传

曹, 雪芹 and 吴, 承恩 and 罗, 贯中

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